
Coronavirus Live Updates: U.S. Outbreak Spreads as East Coast Sees Its First Deaths - The New York Times

Credit...Chang W. Lee/The New York Times

Authorities across the United States reported 308 cases of coronavirus and 17 deaths as of Friday, with Florida reporting the first deaths on the East Coast. The number of infections does not count the 21 people who have tested positive aboard a cruise ship off California, the Grand Princess.

Florida officials on Friday night said there had been two deaths in the state related to the coronavirus. Both of the people who died had traveled internationally, they said.

Hawaii reported its first confirmed infection, a person who had been on the Grand Princess.

The West Coast has borne the brunt of the toll in the United States. Washington State has recorded the most coronavirus cases, more than 80, and the highest number of deaths, 14. Most of the fatal cases emerged from a Seattle-area nursing home. Officials in King County, Wash., said 15 residents of the facility, Life Care Center, had been taken to hospitals over the past 24 hours.

Two residents of other Seattle-area complexes that largely serve elderly people have now also been hospitalized and tested positive, officials said, identifying them as Issaquah Nursing & Rehabilitation Center and Ida Culver House Ravenna.

Hubei, the Chinese province at the center of the coronavirus outbreak, reported on Saturday that for two consecutive days, the province had seen no new infections outside its capital, Wuhan. The news confirmed that China’s new cases and deaths are increasingly concentrated in that city, where the virus emerged, while the rest of the province — and the rest of the country — are largely spared.

Hubei reported 74 new infections on Saturday, all in Wuhan. China also recorded 24 cases in people who had arrived from abroad, including 17 in Gansu, a northwest Chinese province. Excluding the infections in Wuhan and among arrivals from abroad, there was only one other new infection in the rest of China.

China also reported 28 deaths among those with the virus, all in Hubei Province. By comparison, there were 49 deaths from the virus in Italy on Friday.

The downward trend in China is a result of an all-out effort by the government to contain the spread of the disease, which has come at a great cost to the country’s economy and its social life. Since January, the government has enacted nationwide quarantine and travel restrictions and placed Hubei under a strict lockdown, effectively penning in 56 million people.

The new numbers reflect a steep decline from just a few weeks earlier. At one point in early February, Hubei reported more than 1,400 new cases outside Wuhan in one day.

One of the government-appointed Chinese researchers working to control the outbreak told the state-run newspaper People’s Daily on Thursday that, based on the data, he expected Wuhan to hit zero new infections later this month.

The South Korean city of Daegu has ordered members of a Christian sect at the center of the country’s coronavirus outbreak to be tested for the virus by the end of Saturday.

Daegu, a southeastern city of about 2.4 million, has been scrambling to test more than 10,000 members of the Shincheonji Church of Jesus within its jurisdiction since last month, when it became clear that its followers had been spreading the virus in Daegu and elsewhere. Local officials are still trying to locate and test more than 1,000 members of Shincheonji, which is considered a cult by many other South Korean Christian churches.

South Korea, whose coronavirus outbreak is the biggest outside China, reported 483 new infections on Saturday, bringing its total caseload to 6,767, including 47 deaths. More than 5,000 of those infected are Daegu residents, and a vast majority of them belong to the church.

”Yesterday alone, we tested 709 Shincheonji members and 236 of them tested positive,” Daegu’s mayor, Kwon Young-jin, said on Saturday. “This is why church members should extend their self-isolation and must subject themselves to testing.”

Mr. Kwon issued an executive order that made the testing mandatory. Anyone who disobeys it can be fined under South Korea’s laws on controlling epidemics.

Mr. Kwon said the church members’ tendency to live and worship in groups made them likelier than others to spread the virus. The church’s founder, Lee Man-hee, recently apologized for its role in the outbreak but said the church had been cooperating with the authorities.

On Saturday, Daegu placed two adjacent apartment buildings under quarantine after 46 of their residents, all of them Sincheonji members, were confirmed to have the virus.

The number of infections climbed past 7,300 in Europe on Friday — more than doubling in just three days.

France, Britain, Spain, the Netherlands, Italy and others each recorded their biggest one-day increases in cases. More than 30 European countries now have cases; 10 of them have at least 100 each.

A member of the French Parliament tested positive for the virus. Doctors in Britain warned that the already-strained health care system there could be overwhelmed as the outbreak grows, and the country had its second coronavirus death.

In Italy, with the worst outbreak outside of Asia, the toll rose on Friday to more than 4,600 cases, 197 of them fatal, increases of almost 800 infections and 49 deaths from the day before. Only China has had more people die from the new coronavirus.

Pope Francis has had a cold for over a week, and on Thursday, a Vatican spokesman, Matteo Bruni, said that the pontiff’s illness was “running its due course.”

He also told reporters that the Vatican was “studying measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19,” the disease caused by the new coronavirus, that could affect coming activities involving the pope.

Germany, France and Spain, with the next-largest outbreaks in Europe, reported more than 1,700 cases combined, up from fewer than 1,200 on Thursday. In Switzerland, the confirmed caseload doubled, to more than 200.

Outside Europe, in Iran’s outbreak, one of the world’s largest, the government reported more than 4,700 infections, an increase of more than 1,200 from the day before.

Edouard Philippe, the French prime minister, announced a 15-day school closure in two regions, Oise and Haut-Rhin.

Exports from China, the world’s largest manufacturer and its second largest economy, tumbled 17.2 percent in the first two months of this year compared to the same period last year, according to data released Saturday morning by the General Administration of Customs. Imports fell 4 percent.

China’s imports of meat, soybeans, medicines and medical equipment offset declines in imports of semiconductors, as the country’s electronics factories shut down for weeks.

The timing of Lunar New Year celebrations affected the data, making it hard to compare either January or February separately to the same months last year. The weeklong holiday fell in late January this year and was in early February last year.

Companies try every year to export and import as much as possible before the holiday. Such shipments in early January, when the Chinese authorities were still concealing the spread of the disease, may have dampened the steepness of this year’s drop.

The decline reflected two problems: fewer goods were being produced, and what was being made could not be transported. Gao Gao, a deputy secretary general of the Chinese government’s National Development and Reform Commission, said at a news briefing on Friday morning that 80 percent of China’s logistics companies had told the government that they had been severely affected.

By the end of February, only 70 percent of the industry’s trucks and other vehicles were operating, partly because many drivers are stranded far from their employers by quarantines and other obstacles, Mr. Gao said. China is trying to address the problem by ordering that once drivers complete a 14-day quarantine upon their return from their hometowns at the end of holidays, they do not have to undergo additional quarantines in cities that they visit while driving cargo.

New York City’s public schools will probably stay open even if the new coronavirus becomes more widespread. Richard A. Carranza, the schools chancellor, said this week that he considered long-term closings an “extreme” measure and a “last resort.”

New York City has the largest public school system in the United States, a vast district with about 750,000 children who are poor, including around 114,000 who are homeless. For such students, school may be the only place they can get three hot meals a day and medical care, and even wash their dirty laundry.

Even a single snow day can seriously disrupt the lives of New York’s most vulnerable children and their parents and other relatives, whose jobs often do not provide paid time off, said Aaron Pallas, a professor of education at Columbia University’s Teachers College.

“Kids will need to be supervised,” Professor Pallas said. “And there are complex interactions here that affect the well-being of families.”

Mayor Bill de Blasio said Friday that none of the city’s 1.1 million public school students had shown any symptoms of the virus. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has advised that, so far, children have been less likely than adults to become infected.

An Italian cruise ship has become the latest luxury liner to be kept at sea over coronavirus fears, as Malaysia and Thailand denied it entry for fear that passengers from Italy had been exposed to the virus before boarding.

Malaysia turned away the ship, the Costa Fortuna, which has more than 2,000 people aboard, under a government policy announced on Saturday, which bars all cruise ships from docking at any of the country’s ports until further notice.

The ship was denied permission to dock at the island of Penang in northern Malaysia on Saturday morning. On Friday, it had been turned away from the island of Phuket in southern Thailand, about 220 miles from Penang.

Thai officials refused to allow the Costa Fortuna to dock because 64 of its passengers had departed less than 14 days earlier from Italy, which has been hit hard by the coronavirus. Fourteen days is believed to be the virus’s maximum incubation period.

The operator of the Costa Fortuna, Costa Cruises, confirmed on Twitter that the ship had been turned away by Thailand, but it said none of the ship’s passengers on board were suspected of having Covid-19, the illness caused by the virus.

According to its itinerary, the vessel departed from Singapore on March 3 on a seven-day cruise to Malaysia and Thailand and had been scheduled to return to Singapore on Tuesday.

“Please be informed that all cruise vessels are temporarily restricted from entering at any Malaysia port until further notice,” the Penang Port Commission announced in implementing Malaysia’s new policy.

Cruise ships have become a significant contributor to the international spread of the virus. Many of their passengers are often older people, who are particularly vulnerable to Covid-19.

With the coronavirus spreading in the United States, the N.B.A. reminded its teams on Friday about the protocol for postponing or canceling games, and for playing without fans in attendance. The basketball league has not indicated that it plans to pursue any of those options.

According to a memo sent to teams on Friday, the league’s protocol requires a series of actions before such changes, including consultation with the affected teams and written notice from a top league official. Separately, the N.B.A. and its players’ union recently advised against high-fives and handshakes in favor of fist bumps, to limit the spread of germs.

The N.B.A. could be particularly affected by the epidemic in states that have declared a state of emergency, such as California. The mayor of San Francisco, London Breed, has called for sporting events to be canceled. San Francisco is the home of the Chase Center, where the N.B.A’.s Golden State Warriors play. On Friday, the Warriors released a statement that listed new sanitizing measures the team had implemented.

As for games without fans, the league has advised teams to prepare contingency plans that would include deciding which staff members would need to attend. Teams were also told to prepare for the possibility of implementing temperature checks for anyone who would be considered essential for such a game, including players and referees.

LeBron James of the Lakers told a reporter that he wouldn’t play if fans weren’t present.

The league rarely postpones games and almost never cancels them. This season has been an exception because of the death of Kobe Bryant in a helicopter crash on Jan. 26. Mr. Bryant, who retired in 2016, spent 20 seasons with the Los Angeles Lakers, who were scheduled to play a game two days after his death. That game, against the Los Angeles Clippers, was postponed until April, causing three other games to be rescheduled.

The N.B.A. also announced on Tuesday that because of the coronavirus, it would postpone the first season of its Basketball Africa League, a professional league of 12 teams that had been set to debut in Senegal on March 13.

The leaders of Wuhan, the central Chinese city at the heart of the global coronavirus epidemic, have a suggestion for residents who have been confined in their homes for more than a month while thousands have died: be grateful to the Communist Party and its leader, Xi Jinping.

Over the past week, the official daily count of new infections from the coronavirus in Wuhan has fallen markedly, as has the daily toll of deaths. Officials in the ruling Communist Party are eager to cast a possible end to the crisis as a great victory for Mr. Xi, the party’s general secretary, and his bulldozing authoritarian style of rule.

The Communist Party chief of Wuhan, Wang Zhonglin, has now taken that theme to a new level by telling residents that they should be thankful.

“We must be thoroughgoing in educating the great numbers of the city’s residents to be grateful — grateful to the general secretary and grateful to the Communist Party,” Mr. Wang told officials, according to a report in an official Wuhan newspaper on Saturday. “Obey the party, follow the party, forming a powerful positive energy,” Mr. Wang said, using one of Mr. Xi’s signature phrases.

Gratitude may be a lot to ask of many people in Wuhan. The coronavirus, which began spreading across the city from December, has so far killed 2,349 people in Wuhan, about three-quarters of the national death toll, according to official estimates. Residents believe that count misses many victims who were not formally diagnosed with the virus.

Residents have been angered by evidence that officials tried to downplay the extent and severity of the coronavirus outbreak in January. Since Jan. 23, they have also endured draconian restrictions on their movement, and many must largely rely on neighborhood committees to deliver food and other necessities.

When Sun Chunlan, a vice premier helping to oversee the response to the epidemic, visited an apartment compound in Wuhan on Thursday, residents yelled “fake!” from their windows. Reports in the state-run news media later said they were angered that Ms. Sun was being given a falsely sunny impression of how well residents were being supplied with their daily needs.

Still, Mr. Xi and his propaganda strategists appear confident that China’s sweeping efforts to stifle the epidemic can be cast as a triumph for him and the party, especially if infections continue to multiply in other countries.

“For more than a month, Xi Jinping has personally commanded the battle at the front lines,” said an online commentary extravagantly praising Mr. Xi that was published Friday by China’s main state broadcaster, CCTV. “He has been racing with time to fight it out with the devil-disease.”

The 34th annual edition of South by Southwest, the annual festival of music, film and technology in Austin, Tex., that has become a global draw, was ordered canceled on Friday by local officials over fears about the spread of coronavirus.

Festival organizers and government officials had come under intense pressure in recent days to pull the plug, with more than 50,000 people signing an online petition and a growing list of tech companies — among them Apple, Facebook, Twitter and TikTok — announcing their withdrawal.

The festival was to have run from March 13-22, with events spread across bars and party spaces in Austin, in addition to the main conference activities.

The cancellation is perhaps the largest collateral damage of the virus so far on the international cultural calendar. Last year, South by Southwest’s various events had a combined attendance of 417,000, including 159,000 who came to the music portion, according to festival figures.

Two other large-scale, multiday gatherings were also called off or pushed back on Friday: Emerald City Comic Con, a convention that draws thousands of people to Seattle each year, was postponed until the summer; and the Ultra Music Festival, an electronic dance music event held annually in Miami, where city officials blocked the event from going on.

All of the 3,533 people aboard a cruise ship idling off San Francisco will be tested for the coronavirus, after 19 crew members and two passengers tested positive, Vice President Mike Pence said on Friday.

The ship, the Grand Princess, had been halted off the coast on Wednesday, until passengers with possible coronavirus symptoms or exposure could be tested. On Thursday, a Coast Guard helicopter flew testing kits to the ship and flew samples for 46 people back to shore.

“Twenty-one of those on the ship tested positive for the coronavirus, 24 tested negative and one test was inconclusive,” Mr. Pence said at a White House news briefing — blindsiding the passengers and the ship’s operators.

“We have developed a plan which will be implemented this weekend to bring the ship into a noncommercial port,” he added. “All passengers and crew will be tested for the coronavirus. Those that need to be quarantined will be quarantined. Those that require additional medical attention will receive it.”

Mr. Pence said the Defense Department was working to locate a California military base where passengers on the ship could be tested. Two air bases in the state have been used to house quarantined Americans repatriated from Asia.

Shortly after Mr. Pence’s briefing, the ship captain came over the loudspeaker and apologized that passengers were getting updates from television news rather than him. The captain said that he had not received any advance notice about the news briefing and that the ship would notify individuals of their test results “as soon as possible.”

The Princess cruise line said Centers for Disease Control and Prevention officials had told the doctor on board of the results as Mr. Pence was speaking.

President Trump, speaking at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta, said he would have preferred not to let the passengers disembark onto American soil. “I don’t need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn’t our fault,” he said. “And it wasn’t the fault of the people on the ship either. Okay? It wasn’t their fault either. And they are mostly Americans.”

He added that, after all, he had authorized federal health officials to make the decision.

If you’re returning from an area that’s had a coronavirus outbreak, or if you’ve been in close contact with someone who tests positive, you may be asked to isolate yourself at home for two weeks, the presumed incubation period for the coronavirus.

It’s not easy to lock yourself away from your family and friends. These are the basics.

Isolation If you are infected or have been exposed to the coronavirus, you must seclude yourself from your partner, your housemates, your children, your elderly aunt and even your pets. If you don’t have your own room, one should be designated for your exclusive use. No visitors unless it’s absolutely essential. Don’t take the bus, subway or even a taxi.

Masks If you must be around other people — in your home, or in a car, because you’re on your way to see a doctor (and only after you’ve called first) — wear a mask. Everyone else should, too.

Hygiene Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue to cough or sneeze, and discard it in a lined trash can. Immediately wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. You can use sanitizer, but soap and water are preferred. Wash your hands frequently and avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth, if you haven’t just washed them.

Disinfecting Don’t share dishes, drinking glasses, eating utensils, towels or bedding. Wash these items after you use them. Use a household cleaner to wipe down countertops, tabletops, doorknobs, bathrooms fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables. That also goes for any surfaces that may be contaminated by bodily fluids.

Household members When around the patient, wear a face mask, and add gloves if you’re touching anything that might carry the patient’s bodily fluids. Dispose of the mask and gloves immediately. The elderly members and those with chronic medical conditions should minimize contact with the secluded individual.

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Reporting was contributed by Eliza Shapiro, Katie Rogers, Roni Caryn Rabin, Keith Bradsher, Thomas Fuller, Richard C. Paddock, Sarah Mervosh, Tim Arango, Jenny Gross, Ben Sisario, Julia Jacobs, Amy Qin, Sopan Deb and Marc Stein.

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